Prayers for Worship
Weekly Prayers
Prayers for worship
Prayers for October 6, 2024
Challenged by God’s Word in Christ, let us pray for the church, the world, and the whole creation.
God of our ancestors, we give thanks for the gift of the church. Direct us to turn outward to help those who are in need. Guide our actions to address and support peace and justice in our troubled world.
Hear us, O God, your mercy is great.
Creator of every creature on earth, direct our lives to renew and sustain all that you have made. Reveal the ways we can work alongside creation for the health and well-being of all.
Hear us, O God, your mercy is great.
Sovereign God, accompany us when hardness of heart gets in the way of justice. Raise up leaders with minds and hearts that believe in peace and do acts of compassion. Protect all who are living with violence and war.
Hear us, O God, your mercy is great.
Restoring Lord, grant healing and wholeness to those who are sick and suffering especially those on our prayer list and those held in our hearts.
Hear us, O God, your mercy is great.
Unifying God, you created humans to be in relationship with the earth, its creatures, and one another. Forgive us when division threatens companionship and mutual support. May your love inspire us to build supportive communities of faith where all are valued and accepted.
Hear us, O God, your mercy is great.
God of resurrection, you prepare a place in the kingdom through Christ’s death and resurrection. We give thanks for the saints who have gone before us in faith.
Hear us, O God, your mercy is great.